Monday, 18 June 2012

Creating DVB-T MUX list in DVBStreamExplorer

If you are going to use DVBStreamExplorer with DVB-T capture hardware, one of the first thing you need to do is to create a DVB-T MUX list. If you are going to do a 'Multiple DVB-T MUX scanning' session, only entries in DVB-T MUX list can be scanned. When tuning manually it's also offers an convenient way select entry from list instead of having to type frequency manually.
The DVB-T MUX list can easily be created by the application performing a full scan of all standard frequencies. Non standard frequencies can be added to the list manually. Band scan can be invoked from scan button on 'Options  -> DVB-T MUX list' menu.
If you are using BDA hardware the very first thing you should do is to set the 'Tuning wait for lock delay (ms)' to an appropriate value, i.e. 1000 ms. Leaving it at default value 0 ms can cause problems with some cards. In those cases operations like 'Multiple DVB-T MUXscanning' would fail each tuning attempt and you will end up with no data found. The wait for lock value can be set in Device -> Settings menu. See screenshot below.

The video below demonstrates how to set  'Tuning wait for lock delay (ms)' value and how to start DVB-T MUX list band scan operation.

The video below shows the conclusion of DVB-T MUX list band scan operation. It also shows that DVB-T MUX list entries are now available for 'Multiple DVB-T MUX scanning' session.

Similar operations can be applied for DVB-C, ATSC and ISDB-T MUX lists. The case of DVB-S MUX list is more complex and will be documented separately in future post.